Friday, December 5, 2008

I shot this picture up in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. I was with my bro and my father; we were on a hike and eventually got lost. But im glad I did or I wouldn't have photographed this amazing picture.


When I took this shot, I was scared out of my mind. This photograph was taken pretty close to Halloween. Me and my friend explored this house inside and out. There was holes that went deep into the ground. I kept feeling that someone was watching and waiting to strike and kill me.

The Hard Times of the 4x5 Camera Pay off

The Day I stepped into the class taught by Chuck B. I would never have realized that I can pull an image that I really like out of this class. I had so much trouble learning about the camera and what does what. It was a big challenge for me, even left me to turn to dropping the class; but pushed myself and told myself that I can do it.

The Cemetery

My very first time in a cemetery somewhere up in the mountains, I photographed my sister whose about a couple months older than me. She came to Denver to visit me, my brother, and my dad who she hasn't seen in a while. It was a great experience having her here in Colorado. We visited really cool places the cemetery, downtown and pretty much everything.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lined Up.

The walk up downtown, following each other like a heard of ants marching side by side; keeping distance from one another. Following there Sargent, listening to every harsh word there leader has to shout out; while still keeping there alignment.